Monday, January 30, 2006

Teach Us to Pray Part 2 (Susan's blogging debut)

I sat and watched Freddy T. last night as he posted his blog on prayer. So I thought today I would give it a try and add to his thoughts. I began using Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening devotion book during some of my personal times with the Lord this year. On January 15th he talked about praying and asking God to keep his promises.

Draw the word of promise out of its sheath and use it with holy violence. Think not that God will be troubled by your importunately reminding Him of His promises. He loves to hear the loud outcries of needy souls. It is His delight to bestow favors. He is more ready to hear than you are to ask. The sun is not weary of shining, nor the fountain of flowing. It is God’s nature to keep His promises; therefore go at once to the throne with, “Do as You have said.”

When I think of the promises God has made to us so many times I think they are there to comfort us and to encourage us, which they are, but I’ve never given much thought to praying and asking God to keep his promises…“do as You have said.”

1 comment:

Lori said...

Good to hear from you and find y'alls blog. I thought I'd let you know about an exciting blog.