Thursday, November 03, 2005

Priceless for Ages to Come

I am excited about the reported debate (see links from previous post) on the doctrines of grace between Dr. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary . This will be a great debate for lots of reasons, four of which I will share. You can see I have been in preaching class too long by the alliteration below.

1) Entertainment - These guys are great friends. Both are strong personalities. Patterson is a huge jokester. They will both likely have a great time. It will be entertaining.

2) Education - The masses are grossly ignorant of many things these men will discuss in their debate. This ignorance is fruit of our churches' persistent slide into Biblically illiteracy. I am often ashamed yet motivated by my own lack of intimate familiarity with the Bible. The debate will surely draw a crowd and thus educate those who are there with a desire to learn. Often times in discussing the doctrines of grace (or Calvinism), people (and pastors of some well known Southern Baptist Churches) ignorantly (or intentionally), misrepresent what an opposing position on the doctrines are. Thus so many people, only have a misinformed caricature of what the doctrines of grace are. The debate will clarify this for many people. It will likely spur people on to further study for themselves on the topic resulting in continuing education. The debate will be educational for me as well. These men are brilliant and I am sure that the depth of my understanding of the doctrines of grace will grow after listening to them.

3) Elimination of Fear - The education that will take place will result in the elimination of fear in many people's hearts. For so many, the unknown is fearful. Many people have unfortunately heard Calvinsm described as something like a disease. As a result, they get no where close to it, and become fearful of studying anything associated with it. The debate will likely receive massive attention. It will likely be taped will probably be put on-line. Many people of all ages and flavors will have their fears of the doctrines of grace/Calvinism relieved, as two trusted men publicly and lovingly engage in debate about them.

4) Exhortation for Unity - It is difficult to overestimate the positive long term effects this debate will have. While good theology should always result in devotion and worship it doesn't always. As an old saying goes "discipleship is more caught than taught." My hope and prayer is that as these theologians lovingly debate these issues, an exhortation for unity more profound than most doctoral dissertations will resound in people's hearts as they observe. It would be even greater if all were persuaded of Dr. Mohler's position and at the end of the day we were united in theological persuasion across the board. Fat Chance. Nevertheless, the profit for Southern Baptist unity of heart as we live and minister together...will likely be priceless for ages to come.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hmmm freddy there's a framework for some good stories...

sometimes you can find music on the internet just to listen to, without having to buy it or (sometimes) even download it. try googling for websites. =) promise it's legal.

stephen lee cavness said...

hopefully this will accomplish all four of these things.

we need to pray that god would make those who already have embraced those glorious truths even more gracious, and for those who havent yet, to have hearts that seek to know the truths of scripture, no matter what they may come to the table believeing or having been previously taught (..or.. in most cases... not taught).

soli deo gloria,