Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dancing Lessons Oh Yea!

Susan and I had our first experience in dancing lessons. A good buddy I met while preaching at Southeast Christian Church this past Summer was our brave teacher. We learned a little Waltz and a little Salsa. Susan was a much faster learner than I was. The occasion was Susan's 24th birthday. I think we'll go back for at least one more lesson.

We had a super time staying with Susan's Gran this past weekend in Clarksville too! I'm on fall break, trying to get caught up on reading and sermons outlined for the next several weeks.


Anonymous said...

Do you have any video of this event? I, and perhaps others, would pay big bucks to see footage of you taking dancing lessons. However, some may pay a pretty penny not to see that, especially if you take after Dad in that category.

Anonymous said...

sounds exciting....still waiting to hear susans opinion on the other post...

Freddy T. Wyatt said...

Susan said she'd be glad to respond whenever she knows who she is responding to. If you are unsure how to leave your name. Just type it in the message like this,
Freddy T.

Anonymous said...

Sure...Elizabeth Jenkins...I actually ran across your blog accidently and was intriqued...sorry for any confusion and have a blessed night!

Anonymous said...

I your oldest sister agrees with Kristi. It would be very funny to watch you dance. I can't believe you didn't learn anything at all during all those dance recitals you had to come and watch of us. It was great hanging out with yall this weekend. Let us know when you'd like to stay with the boys sometime. It sounds like Susan had a great birthday. Diana

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun to me!! You two learn and then you can teach Ken and I how to dance!!

Anonymous said...

post some pictures!!!