Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jack is 23 weeks old, sort of.

19 weeks ------- vs ------- 23 weeks!

Here's a few other pics at 23 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Susan! You look fantastic! Jack is going to be one big boy! How much did you and Freddy weigh when you were born?

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!! You look so great! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to meet the little man! And we will actually get to do it!!!! So, congrats. Enjoy the time of being pregnant. There is nothing like it in the world (other than being a mom)!!!! Love you both, well all three!

Anonymous said...

thats crazy. she looks so cute.

Anonymous said...

Looking Good Susan! (and Jack)
I'm glad to see the pictures of you since we'll miss seeing you in person. We're praying for you and Jack! Enjoy the miracle of pregnancy!

bcripps said...

Hey guys. The pictures are great! A belated congratulations to you!

Ben Cripps

Lori said...

Susan, those pictures are so great. It looks like your really carrying him high. I hope things continue to go good.

Lauren said...

Aww... congratulations!!! Enjoy this time, it is so special to anticipate the birth of your child, and to feel him growing inside.

our little girl is 10 1/2 months old, and while she is so much fun as she cruises and climbs, i miss the days when she was a cuddler.

Anonymous said...

Susan, you look great! Do the doctors have any idea how much he weighs? It's so fun to watch as the pregnancy progresses. We cannot wait to meet baby Jack....

Anonymous said...

I guess you and Susan will be Papa Jack and Mamma Jack Jr. pretty soon . You are in our thoughts and prayers so keep us posted...Doc and Sally Jack