Cocaine is certainly no respecter of persons. The Biblical reality is that there is a real devil who is prowling around looking for lives to destroy, whether it be the homeless or fashion models. (1 Peter 5:8)
H&M’s process of handling Kate Moss’ cocaine use is interesting and quite telling. You can read the article from the
NY Times by clicking
here. The Times quotes H&M’s spokeswoman Jennifer Uglialoro in what sounds to be a respectable position. “If someone is going to be the face of H&M, it is important they be healthy, wholesome and sound” in her describing why Moss’ next campaign with the company was canceled. However, this was not their first position. After hearing Moss’ side of the story they H&M initially decided to forgive her and continue to use her. There decision changed.
It changed as a result of the public reaction. The Times reports, “Customers called stores over the weekend, many complaining that the company, which markets to teenagers and young adults, would be associated with a model who admitted using drugs.” It was only after this feed back that Europe’s largest clothing chain chose not to continue using Moss.
There is a lesson to be learned.
We do not have to stand by and remain silent, unengaged with the culture at large, as we see it spin down the drain in sin and despair. We can have influence in places we may have never dreamed. We do not have to just shake our heads as though nothing can be changed for the better. No one at H&M or any of the clothing stores is likely going to get saved as a result of a complaining phone call. That’s not the point. The point is your young daughter, sister, niece or neighbor may now not be tempted to think cocaine is quite so cool, because this famous, beautiful model uses it at leisure. Their curiosity of cocaine may not be perked because they are so lured by this icon’s style. The point is we can engage and have a voice and presence of influence in the culture for Christ.
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." Matthew 5:13
What about Kate Moss personally? What about Kerry Bell personally? What about their kids? Next Blog...