Monday, December 04, 2006

Place Your Guess....Everyone Now!

Exciting days as we await the arrival of our first child. In honor of Jack Thomas Wyatt we are having a little contest give-a-way. We are giving away 2 pounds of Starbucks coffee and a $5 Starbucks gift card to the person who guesses the closest to the day and time of his birth. As many of you know Jack is due January 1st. Also, as many of you know Susan looks as if he was due November 1st...well maybe not...but I bet you smiled. Either way, he seems to be getting close. He had the hiccups tonight...but I didn't try to scare him to make them go away. Okay here is the deal...Everyone who reads the blog and would enjoy a little Starbucks cheer or is just excited about Jack's Place your guess. What day and time (down to the minute, but not seconds.) Be sure not to guess the exact time as anyone before you and to include someway to get in touch with you if we do not know. Let the contest begin!


Anonymous said...

I guess January 1 at 12:00 am.

Anonymous said...

My guess is December 19 at noon.

Missy said...

My guess is December 26 at 3:00p.m. Good luck! Praying that you have a safe delivery! Freddy, your daddy can find me! Missy Rye

Anonymous said...

December 25 at 3:00 am. Now that would be the ultimate gift from Santa!!

angie said...

I am going to say December 19th at 11:42 a.m. That way you would be home with Jack for Christmas :)

Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

December 23rd, 6am. He's going to be an early riser.

Anonymous said...

Jack is going to be arriving in this world on December 20, 2006 around 4:25PM. I'll let the other members of my family guess later. Wyatt would probably not mind Jack being born on the 29th (his birthday). Aunt Diana

Sunny said...

Im guessing December 27 6:36am. If I win, can I have a case of Diet Mtn Dew instead? Heee Heee! Our best to you. Your life is about to change in a truly fantastic way.

Jen said...

how exciting! I can't believe he's about to be here already! Put me down for Christmas eve at 8pm.

Anonymous said...

Uhm I guess December 28, 2006 at 5:45.

Hannah Wyatt

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2006 (well, i HOPE it's 2006) at 7:14 PM

Jonathan Zila said...

December 22nd at 5:30pm, thats it!!!

Anonymous said...

December 18, 10:00 a.m. Can't Wait! (Jack's Nana)

Anonymous said...

December 27th, 6:37 a.m.

(if we lose, will you still give us some coffee?)

William and Glenna

(we're having trouble signing in for some reason...that's why there's no link to our site.)

Anonymous said...

december 29 at 4:50am. c'mon let's make it a Wyatt B'day! Jack Thomas and Wyatt Arthur.

Anonymous said...

January 2nd at 2:12 pm

Anonymous said...

How about December 23rd at 4:13 pm? Sound good, Jack? I'm counting on you! (Make it decaffinated Starbuck's please! Our growing little one will thank you!)

Anonymous said...

december 24th around 8:30pm

Lucas Wyatt said...

Our guess is Dec.22 at 9:15 A.M
Lucas & Melba

Anonymous said...

December 21st, around 8 am.

David Litton

stephen lee cavness said...

dec. 15th at 8:48 a.m.

-stephen cavness

Anonymous said...

I know that baby jack is going to be born on my birthday DECEMBER 23RD- lets say...10:00 p.m.

Looking so forward to the arrival of that sweet baby! love to you all!

Anonymous said...

You guys have got to feel the love with all these guesses!

I know it would make things a little crazy with everything going on next week, but I still think Jack may become his daddy's best birthday present ever . . . I am guessing the 12th, about 4:30 pm.

By the way, are we guessing Eastern Time or Central?

Freddy T. Wyatt said...

Oh yes...we do feel the Love. Too much fun! We are assuming Louisville time. Hannah Wyatt needs to put an am or pm at the endo of her guess. As for the diet mountain dew Sunny...maybe we can do a Kroger gift card rather than SBUX and Christi we probably can make it decaf...ha! Do you get any coffee if you lose Glenna and William...mmmm we'll have to think about that...ha!

Anonymous said...

Susan you look great, so cute. I am going to guess the Dec. 17 at 10am. Can't wait to hear.

Trevor and Keva Atwood

Lauren said...

I'm going to guess little Jack Thomas has a bit of a prankster in him and will make his appearance a day late... January 2nd, 6:30 a.m.

I'm hoping you don't have to wait that long, but everyone else took the early guesses.

Anonymous said...

My guess is December 26th at 4:45pm. We will be waiting for the phone call while we are having little Max's birthday party. We love you guys and can't wait to meet Jack.

Aunt Bev

Anonymous said...

Freddy T. sorry, I meant P.M.

Anonymous said...

that was me, Hannah by the way. sorry!

Lori said...

I'm gonna guess Dec. 25th at about 10:01. I think all the excitement of Christmas morning will send you right into labor. Good Luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

We think that Dec. 28th @ 7:29AM, Aunt Doris' birthday would be nice.
I know she would be thrilled.
Love you all.
Grandma and Pap

Mindy said...

I'm going to guess December 21st at 3:00 pm. Good luck! I second Sunny - your life will never be the same, in a million wonderful ways.

Kathryn said...

My sources tell me that JT will arrive on December the 31st. He will be born at 10:17 or 10:21!

Kathryn said...

I think that JT will arrive on December the 31st. He will be born at 10:21p.m.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Cliff wanted to be part of this fun. His prediction is December 25 at 12:07AM. I hope he is wrong for your sake, laboring all night Christmas eve. He also wanted to add his prediction on weight, we always did with our grandbabies. His guess 8lbs 7oz.(just for fun).

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

If you let nature take its course, my guess is January 6...first babies typically take their time coming into the world! If Susan is induced, then who knows--that's the doc's call! Either way, we'll keep you in our prayers and look forward to meeting Little Jack!

Anonymous said...

Factors in decision
1. Freddy likes to be late
2. 1st child
3. Child will have a lot of hair that will look like freddy when he used to put all that gunk in it and spike it! (could cause delayed delivery)
My guess! Jan 5th- 1 am
sorry Susan!


Anonymous said...

my guess is Dec 27 at 1:50 am.
Furthermore, when I win I'd like Frapochinos instead of coffee. Thanks. Ward

Anonymous said...

My guess December 23,2006 at
5:08 P.M. I should be able to
travel to Louisville by then and
he will really want his Gran to
be there.

Gran Wyatt

Anonymous said...

We guess December 26th at 12:34am.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I totally laughed out loud at PBrown's comment. That is so funny!! Diana

Anonymous said...

December 31st at 2:45 AM

Anonymous said...

December 31st at 2:45 AM

Emily said...

Hey sweet Wyatts! I'm going to guess that he'll be late... I'm sorry Sus! Jan THREE, 6:34 pm

Emily Vied

Emily said...
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Anonymous said...

Freddy T, I am thinking like January 7 at 2:22 AM. You know middle of the night to get you up and out of the house!! Like I had better win, you know how bad I hate to lose!!!!

Anonymous said...

I predict Jack will arrive on January 6th at 11:45 A.M. I am looking forward to being a great grandmother. Can hardly wait to start spoiling him.
Love you all so much
Great Gran

john mark said...


john mark said...

No really, Dec. 22, 3:30

Anonymous said...

December 25th at 7:30am...EST, of course. We wouldn't want the baby to be born on any time but God's time.

Anonymous said...

I predict Jack will be born on December 24th at 1:30 A.M.

Aunt Martha

Anonymous said...

Mrs Wyatt,
Will I have to write 3,278,269 words, my mom have to write 5,524,456 words or will stephanie have to write either 7,677,755 or 2,397,643 words... cmon, you're killing me. ;p

stephanie said...

i guess december 19th at 3:58 PM

Anonymous said...

My guess is December 22 at 2:15AM.
You three are in our daily thoughts and prayers! Can't wait to meet Jack!
~Brad & Sharon Ruble

Anonymous said...
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