Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Update on Mom

Thanks a ton to so many of you who are praying for Mom and my family during these days. Yesterday Mom had an appointment with a specialist/surgeon in Nashville. She felt good about the Doctor. This Wednesday she has the PET scan which will be looking over her whole body for any cancer hot spots. Very soon, probably next week she will have a MRI on her breasts. The doctor is confident that the MRI will show the source of the cancer. Thus far, we still do not know where the source of her cancer is. I am still praying daily that God would fully remove all the cancer in Mom's body. While if it is breast cancer it proves to be a more hopeful situation than if it the cancer was somewhere else, Our hope is strong regardless because it is in our faithful Lord. Please pray for my family that we will provide a peaceful and loving support for Mom during these trying days. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. We are praying for her and all of you.

Lauren said...

Hi Freddy & Susan,
I'll be praying for your family during this simultaneously difficult and exciting time.

The father of one of my best friends from UTM has stage iv lung cancer, her family is taking it one day at a time, too.

Susan, you look great! It wouldn't be surprising if Jack makes his appearance early. I'll be praying for you to be able to find the seemingly impossible to discover comfortable positions these last few weeks. I also wanted to tell you about a book I've read called "The Letter Box"... you may have already started doing something similar for Jack, maybe not. The book is basically about preserving memories for your children, through letters written and mailed to them at specific milestones. It's pretty neat. I heard the author's testimony at a Mom's group, and I think all of us were teary-eyed.

God bless you guys!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Freddy
It's Kathryn, susan's cousin. Tell Mary Coleman I'll be praying for her.