Thursday, March 09, 2006

Gender Roles

Katherine recently posed a question reguarding our recent post on 8th graders perspective on Biblical manhood and womanhood. I've been promising to answer this question and have found it challenging to get all my thoughts together with scripture and simply say what I wanted to say. Everytime I've started to answer the answer becomes real wordy and confusing to anyone but myself. So I'm going to respond to her question, but let's keep talking about this. I know some of you who read will have great wisdom to add.

Katherines question:

One of my favorite shows is 7th Heaven...on the show; Lucy is a reverend while Kevin stays at home and watches Savannah (their baby). How does this fit into the traditional roles of biblical manhood and womanhood with the husband being the head of the household and the wife being the one who keeps the house and raises the kids? Doesn't that not really follow along the traditional roles?

Generally speaking I believe that God has ordered man to be the primary provider(and leader) for his family and for woman to be a helper to her husband, oversee the home and be the care taker for their children. (Ephesians 5:21-33; Colossians 3:18-19; 1 Peter 3:1-7; Titus 2:5; 1 Timothy 3:4, 12; Genesis 1-3) This does not mean a woman does nothing outside the home. Proverbs 31 is a wonderful description of a woman who uses her time and energy wisely and invest in other activities, however, her activities are all to better her family. So two things. I know there are seasons and circumstances where a wife may be working more than her husband (ex. when a husband is in seminary and the wife has to work or if a man becomes physically incapable of working) but I don’t think that is God's original design. Secondly, I don't think God calls women to be pastors. If the Bible teaches that God wills for men alone to bear the primary teaching and governing responsibilities of the pastorate, then by implication the Bible also teaches that God does not call women to be pastors ( So from this perspective on the show I think Lucy is out of her role as well. I'm not saying women cannot serve in ministry, but I think you see my heart here that they are not to be the primary teachers.

What do you all think about this? Let's talk! I'd love more insight and wisdom to be added.

An excellent resource for this topic is Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by John Piper and Wayne Grudem.



Anonymous said...

So what are your plans on your career once Freddy is out of seminary?

Anonymous said...

We'll since we don't have kids right now and we need my income then I'll continue to work. Whenever we have children then I'll stop working and stay home.

Anonymous said...

Oh, okay! Thanks do much for posting such a great response! I hope I didn't put to much pressure on you to answer! I also look forward to others input on this issue. I have some thoughts but will let others add their thoughts first!

glenna marshall said...

I'm in agreement with you Susan!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your plans Susan, as they were the plans that I have done as well. Being a wife and mother really do take all of the time a woman has each day. I recently have been working a children's consignment sale (which happens twice a year) and have no idea how women are physically able to carry out the duties of a Godly wife, and mother. My family, and home have been neglected this week because of this week long job. I am thankful to be a part of this sale, it blesses our family in many ways but if really takes a toll on my effectiveness as a mother, and wife. I truely believe that if you are doing your role as a mom and wife for the glory of God that he will bless your family beyond belief. HE has proven this true. Praise Him!!! Sorry I babbled. Diana

Anonymous said...

Ok I don't even have kids yet, but do have a full time job and still can't manage the whole taking care of the house and husband. :)

I know that 7th Heaven doesn't have all their theology right, but what a great show!!! It's so much better than most that are on these days.

A pastor gave us a suggestion once that if you are planning on staying home when you have children, try to live on just the husband's income before you have children so that it's not such a shock to the budget. (that is after they get out of seminary)
Emily Doss

Anonymous said...

Susan, I am with you as well. I didn't always know how I felt about such topics, but you really nailed how I believe the Bible teaches us women. To look at my role as my husband's helper has really changed the way that I look at a lot of the things I do around the house too. As a whole, I know I am much happier this way then trying to assume some of the responsibilities that God never intended for me to have. Besides, I really think that the husbands have the much greater obligations. I am totally happy and love being a woman!

I agree with Diana, I don't know how moms Christian or not balance both home and work. I have a working girlfriend that is the mother of 4 under 5 years old -with three of them being triplets! She isn't saved, and I can't begin to imagine how she balances it all.
I know that I could not effectively do anything that I do without depending on Christ. I pray daily that He will set my agenda and be my priority.