Monday, August 29, 2005

A Super Start

Yesterday was our third Sunday of having "Journey". Our Pastor Brother Roger preached a wonderful word to us out of Job. He will rotate in and preach once every 5 or 6 weeks.

Our first Sunday was amazing. No one really had any idea what to expect as far as how many folks would come to Journey. The Students began to roll in first...their Sunday school classes are the closest to the Sanctuary. For a little looked like it was going to be a mostly youth service...but people continued to roll in, lots of adults. More and more people continued to file in and even into the balconies as the energy in the place became electric. The count at the end of the morning was around 525. Some folks dismiss the importance of numbers altogether. However Luke found it important enough to record about how many received the word and were baptised (Acts 2:41). Okay so maybe we can discuss the issue of "numbers" ideas on a later post. Nevertheless, the service went great. We sensed God's presence and the people alertly absorbed God's word. May He receive all the Glory. I am currently in chapter 2 of Colossians and look forward to continuing through the book. My soul has been thrilled with the privledge of preaching through a book of the Bible verse by verse!

We have had a great time getting to connect with our families. The drive down and back in the car has proved to be great quality time of conversation and prayer together as well.

Susan has had a wonderful start with teaching school! She's only had to send one note home with a student. Ha!

Please pause and pray that God will humble me and use me in great power as I preach in Journey. Pray that the church will return to Him with all their hearts! Thanks a ton!

Our computer is still in critical care...I'm in the lab...more blogging soon...

1 comment:

Jane said...

Hello Freddy T,

I just wanted you to know that I have bookmarked your blog and check on it from time to time. Yes, it is time consuming, I know, but you never know how helpful it will be.

I, too, have found myself blogging. (No one could be more surprised than me!) It came about because I gave three dear college seniors a copy of "My Utmost for His Highest" and told them that I would be praying each day's lesson for them specifically. One of the guys went home and set up a blog so that we could discuss our thoughts. It seems as though I'm the one who does most of the posting, but if this is where God has planted me, then I'll do my best to bloom there.

If you ever read in that devotional and want to check out comments on a particular day just go to

Keep up your great relationship with Jesus so others can experience His Living Water as it flows through you!

In His Love,
Jane Ogg